

日本の妖怪と少女ミクが対決する洋書“Takeshita Demons”を早くKindleで読みたい!

オーストラリアの作家Cristy Burne氏が執筆した、日本の妖怪達と戦う児童書“Takeshita Demons”が気になったのでメモ。



Takeshita Demons


“Takeshita Demons” あらすじ

タケシタ・ミクとその家族は、日本からイギリスへと移り住んだ。しかし、家族の敵(enemy demons)もまた、彼らを追って来ていたのだ…… 。

ミクは彼女の新しいsupply teacherが妖怪Nukekubi—首を飛ばし、子どもの血をすするのが大好きな、血に飢えた化け物—へと変身したとき、トラブルに巻き込まれたことを知る。
少女達は雪に閉ざされた学校に侵入、そこでthe dragon-like Woman of the Wetと、のっぺらぼうに出会う。



Miku Takeshita and her family have moved from Japan to live in the UK, but unfortunately the family's enemy demons have followed them…

Miku knows she's in trouble when her new supply teacher turns out to be a Nukekubi - a bloodthirsty demon who can turn into a flying head and whose favourite snack is children. That night, in a raging snowstorm, Miku's little brother Kazu is kidnapped by the demons, and then it's up to Miku and her friend Cait to get him back. The girls break into their snow-locked school, confronting the dragon-like Woman of the Wet, and outwitting the faceless Nopera-bo. At last they come face to face with the Nukekubi itself - but will they be in time to save Kazu?


The winner of the first Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Award, this is the first of a new trilogy, Takeshita Demons, with the second, Takeshita Demons: The Filth-Licker due to be published in 2011 and Takeshita Demons: Monster Matsuri in 2012.


To read more about the Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Award, click here


“Takeshita Demons”のKindle版はAustralia地域向けに発売されている

ところがこの“Takeshita Demons”、米国Amazon.comを見ても“This title is not currently available for purchase”でまだKindleで読めない!



なお、日本を居住国設定にしたままKindle版で読めるのは、現在“Takeshita Demons: MerMonster - adventures in Japanese mythology”のみ(Takeshita Demonsシリーズの4冊目のようです)。


Takeshita Demons: MerMonster - adventures in Japanese mythology (English Edition)

Takeshita Demons: MerMonster - adventures in Japanese mythology (English Edition)




Takeshita Demons

Takeshita Demons

The Filth Licker (Takeshita Demons)

The Filth Licker (Takeshita Demons)

Takeshita Demons: Monster Matsuri

Takeshita Demons: Monster Matsuri